Skolens taler.1. taler i programmet var The Chairman Schooll Management Committee, den politisk valgte formand for skolen. Headmaster Mr. Isooba M. Patrick står ved siden af.
- Your Excellency the Ambassador of Denmark
- The Thyge's family and friends
- Invited Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
Kiira Primary School started out of a crisis. The Army Boarding School decided that all civilian children should leave their school, which resulted in the birth of this present school.
The doors were opened to the first pupils in 1989 at UEB club, with a Headmaster and three teachers. The school's stay at the club did not last long as it was later shifted to the Kimaka Airfield.
In 1990 it was shifted to the Ministry of Rehabilitation's dilapidated buildings at Nalufenya near the present Nalufenya police station. The third Power Projekt that constructed Kiira Power Station did not spare the School either, as it's location fell within the project area.
The school was re-allocated to the presentsite and a seven classroom block with a water borne toilet system was constructed by UEB as compensation in 1995.
However, the school expanded through a donation from Danida Masese women Project that constrcted anoder four-classroom block.
The parents funded the Administration block, while UPE, a Government Project added to the school the rest of the structures.
today we are here to say thank you to all those who have contributed to the birth and growth of Kiira Pirmary School.
We are here in particular to say thank you ond pay tribute to the Thyge's family and friends for having thought of this school among many places they visited after they lost their dear son Thyge, who drowned in Victoria Nile om the 4. October 2005.
The Commissioning and handing over of the Thyge's memoriel Hall and the entere school building fully painted, is a sign of the love the Thyge's familyand friends had for their son that has alos been extended to Kiira Primary School.
We want to say to you that we cherish this love extended to us and we promise to put it in proper use as we remember how it came to be where it is and why. "The demise of your beloved Thyge". May His Soul Rest in Eternal peace.
We thank His Excellency the Ambassador of Denmark for gracing this occasion and all the envited Guests for honoring our invitation.
More thanks goes to all those who contributed to the birth and growth of Kiira Primary School.
Finally, I thank the Thyge's family and frinds for giving Kiira Primary School a new look.
Currently, the school has an enrolment of 871 children (431 girls, 440 boys) with a teaching staff of 21 teachers (15 female, 6 male).
The parents role to the school is fully appreciated through treir PTA. Executive, Chaired by Mr. Tingo Jonathan and through him I thank all the parents and friends off the school who heard our call, came and participated in the cleaning exercise prior to painting.
We thank the SMC which I head for their tireless efforts of making sure that this school shines, as stipulated in its missiom statement.
We thank the JMC through has worship the Mayer and the Mpumudde Division Council through the Chairman for their guidance and love for this school.
We would like to thank Mrs. Anita Jurs for her personal input towards the construction of the Thyge Memorial Hall and the painting of the school.
The future use of this Hall by the school and the community around can only be made comfortable if we can be able to equip it with chairs and tables. The electrical installation will definitely be required. To all our friends, assist in the above noble cause.
We thank the headmaster Mr. Isooba Patrick and his staff, for a job well done in making sure that the school progresses up to the present level as we receive the Thyge Memorial Hall and a fully painting school.
Lærerne på skolen.Alle lærerne blev kaldt op, så vi gæster kunne se dem alle. Lærerne kaldte Simon og Christine op, de er jo praktikanter på skolen og var en del af lærerstablen. Flot og sjov gestus.
(Nelson, læreren vi allerede ved første besøg fik en god fornemmelse af står yderst til venstre).