Headmaster, Mr. Moses Bamuwamye together with PTA Executive met the parents on 15th June 2006 to strategise and work out ways to improve on the academic performance with more focus on the then forth coming PLE which took place on 5th & 6Th Nov.2007;
Parents Attending Meeting in Thyge Memorial Hall
Below are the views of the children presented to their parents:
Compiled by Nelson Guina and Joshua Genda-
In consultation with the children themselves, the School came up with the ¬following findings and recommendations:
1.0 Parents’ Responsibilities:
1.1 Parents should pay the school dues in time to avoid absenteeism and time wasting.¬
1.2 Buy reams of paper for tests.
1.3 Buy a full school uniform thus: ties, cardigans, socks shoes and bags, so that they look smart.
1.4 Provide a solid meal at school to avoid walking long distances and possible accidents.
1.5 Monitor the hygiene of the children at home.
1.6 Send the children at school in time on week days and Saturdays.
1.7 Check the books of their children to ensure that work is done.
1.8 Medical form or a letter from parents, should be given to the child incase of sickness.
2.0 Advantages of Eating at School:
2.1 It saves time for lessons.
2.2 Discipline of pupils is maintained.
2.3 Children are relieved from walking long distances going for meals.
2.4 The girl child is protected from greedy men.
2.5 Meals are always assured and served in time.
2.6 Money for lunch is paid at once other than daily, where at times, parents may fail due to money crisis in the home.
2.7 Children are not much exposed to accidents, which may befall on them as they walk in big groups for lunch.
2.8 It promotes socialisation among children as they share together.
2.9 Eating habits and table manners are learnt and
2.10 It promotes leadership skills amongst children.
2.11 Children learn how to care for their properties and live independently.
2.12 Movements of the children are easily monitored by both parents and teachers.
2.13 Theft of edibles on the way is controlled, hence leading
to good relationship between the school and the
2.14 Children eat well cooked food.
2.15 Clean plates and utensils are used to serve food.
2.16 Children are not served cold and left over food.
2.17 Children at school are given enough food.
2.18 Risks of putting poison in the food are minimised.
3.0 Children’s Rights:
All Children have Rights:-
3.1 To equality.
3.2 To learn and develop their full potential.
3.3 To be loved, nurtured and understood.
3.4 To be respected.
3.5 To be protected from abuses, neglect, exploitation and cruelty.
3.6 To live in a safe and healthy environment.
3.7 To leave in peace and harmony.
4.0 Children’s Responsibilities:
4.1 To respect others opinions and ideas.
4.2 To come to school and learn.
4.3 To concentrate and study hard.
4.5 To keep agreement about school rules and regulations.
4.6 Work hard to develop all their talents to full potentials.
4.7 Care for their parents, the community, teachers and one another.Another Section of the Parents in the Meeting